We all know that 3D TV will be a sure thing in the not so far away future. But what hangs heavy at the back of our head is that laying hands on this latest piece of technology might burn a hole in our pockets. Worry not my dear friends! John Siacca has the answers. And the answer is to buy 3D compatible DLP TV, and then bank on the soon to come devices that will be compatible with 3D specifications.
There are certain pointers that we need to know. One will need to buy a 3-D compatible Blu-ray player, starting to become available at around $200. If you intend to play you Blu-ray video directly on your TV then you won’t need a new audio/video receiver, but if you want to use the next-gen audio formats like Dolby TrueHD, then there is a fair chance that you will have to upgrade. Finding out whether new cabling is needed will be tricky and can be assessed only after trial and error. If you want to avoid blurry images, then you will definitely need to wear 3D glasses.
So if you already have 3D compatible TV, then you will be able to enjoy the extraordinary sights and sounds that 3D provides for just $100, which will be the cost of the 3D enabling device.