Eye-Fi has expanded their range of wireless SD with the launch of two new wireless memory card. The new cards are called the Explore X2 and the Connect X2, both models are more budget friendly than the previous models, although they have less features than the Pro models.
“Just in time for spring outings and summer road trips, we’re giving users the ultimate Eye-Fi experience – it’s faster and even more convenient,” said Jef Holove, CEO for Eye-Fi. ”Uploading and sharing your memories with friends and family is as simple as finding a nearby Starbucks and turning on your camera. We do the rest.”
The main difference in these new cards is that they lack support for uploading RAW files directly to your computer via wireless. The Explore X2 comes with 8GB of storage, whilst the Connect X2 comes with 4GB of storage.
The Connect X2 also doesn’t have a built in geotagging feature, both cards have an built in endless memory feature that automatically overwrites old files, that you have already uploaded to your computer.
The Eye-Fi Explore X2 will retail for $100 whilst the Eye-Fi Connect X2 will retail for $50, which seems quite reasonable compared to the price of the original Pro card.