"VeinID": Finger Vein Authentication Technology Used by Hitachi in Vending Machine Showcased at RetailTech 2010

Hitachi has come up with the innovative “finger vein authentication” called VeinID which is a biometric system which uses finger pulse recognition to find out who you are. They have applied this technology to the vending machine! Showcased at the RetailTech 2010, the Coca-Cola vending machine using this unique identification technology caught everyone’s attention.

All this sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, but worry not. It is extremely safe, convenient as well as efficient. There is no need to store endless data into the system. This technology comes as a replacement to the conventional e-money, where one has to “pay” by your finger, with your e-money or credit card automatically deducting the said amount. Users can feed in their email and postal addresses, in order to get customized free samples and giveaways through the inbuilt digital signage.

This technology will be very helpful for all those who never have the spare change to get a bottle of coke! With the whole world coming within the reach of our fingertips, the finger pulse vending machine will be just one small achievement in the long list of applications that will use this amazing “finger vein authentication” or VeinID system.

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