Christina Hendricks has advised men to smell good to get laid

Mad Men’ star Christina Hendricks has advised men to smell good in order to attract women. The beauty has contributed to the section "A Letter to Men" in the May issue of Esquire. "We love your body. If we're in love with you, we love your body. Your potbelly, everything," the New York Daily News quoted her as saying.

She added: "Speaking of your body, you don't understand the power of your own smell. Any woman who is currently with a man is with him partly because she loves the way he smells. We remember forever what you say about the bodies of other women. It's not about whether or not we approve of the comment. It's about learning what you think is sexy and how we might be able to convey it.”

Hendricks further instructs men to "stand up, open a door, offer a jacket" to their female companion. She wrote: "The men who constantly stare at our breasts are never the men we're attracted to. The only things that will get a married man laid that won't get a single man laid are adultery and w-----”

"Intelligence and humor (and your smell) are what get you laid. That's what got you laid when you were single. That's what gets you laid when you're married. Everything still works in marriage: especially intelligence and humor. Because the sexiest thing is to know you."
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