Eco-friendly Carpets from Carpet Inter - - Carpet Industry Effected by Go-Green Mantra

With fashion accessories, wheels and estates going green in a chic way for years now, the crew is ready to accept another member to the family but with a surprise. Yes, the talk here is to floor your villas with the eco-friendly carpets. For those out there raising their eyebrows and thinking hard if my sources are correct I suggest you to visit Carpets Inter, an elite Thai set-up.

The surge in the demand of eco-friendly carpets will witness an upward curve in coming months as people are already inking deals without any doubts, says managing director Parkpoom Jarnyaharn. The fact that companies across are entertaining high inquiries regarding the green carpet concept is quite an indication that buzz have spread from America to Asia. These carpets would soon be seen floating all over… breeding life in the dull ambience of hospitals, adding beauty to the leisure public places and infusing creativity to the tired minds across the commercial sector.

Go-Green is a mantra that has spread like a virus. It is green to the extent that its production process right from design, manufacturing to the purchase/sale of carpets is dipped in it.

Carpets Inter, an active industry tycoon having 1400 factories and 150 offices is hopeful that future is green with the production of hand-tufted, Wilton, Needlepunched, carpet-tiles to Eco soft backing system. Eco soft backing carpets are 100% recyclable with products like discarded drinking water.

It makes you breathe and walk easy and pure. In the past Carpets Inter has worked with brands like Armani to Burj Khalifa and other four-star hotels, thereby setting benchmarks in the quality of their deliverables. It’s time when you should revamp the flooring of our otherwise green dwelling.
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