Garmin Asus A10: Latest Smartphone Launched by Asus and Garmin - - Powered by Google’s Android OS

Garmin and Asus have launched their latest smartphone, which is powered by Google’s Android OS, the Garmin Asus A10. The Garmin Asus A10 features a 3.2 inch HVGA touch screen display.

Other features on the Garmin Asus A10 include an electronic compass, a 1500 mAh battery, GPS paired with pre-loaded maps and turn by turn navigation software, as well as voice navigation.

The Garmin Asus A10 features a multitouch Webkit browser, and a fully featured version of Google’s Android OS, although there are no details on which version of Android it will run.

It will come with a range of Android applications pre-loaded, which include YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, calendar contacts and of course access to teh Android market to download more applications.

The Garmin Asus A10 will be available in Europe sometime later in the year, there are no details on pricing as yet and no details on when it will be available in the US and the rest of the world.

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