Temperatures at the French Riviera soared to a new high as Mallika Sherawat stepped out on the red carpet in a daring golden gown. The Haryanvi femme fatale ensured flashbulb frenzy with her choice of a knotted, cleavage revealing outfit at the screening of the French film Copie Conforme at the 63rd international film festival, in Cannes.
After two relatively sober outfits at the screening of Wall Street Money Never Sleeps and Hisss, Mallika has gone back to her old tactic of shock and awe.
Fashion designer Rohit Gandhi feels her choice of the gown may have come after being bitten by the 22-feet python that she swathed herself with a day earlier.
"I think she has dressed for a red light area not the red carpet. It's a desperate attempt to seek attention, and I think she's embarrassing the other Indian actresses who are also there."
Her decision to leave the best for the last may well be a clever ploy to draw attention to herself even as Aishwarya Rai's gowns and saree grabs headlines every day. Fashion designer Rina Dhaka says,
"Mallika doesn't have Aishwarya's face, so she can't do much about that. She's an attractive person, but there's something that goes wrong with her in front of the camera. She starts drawing attention to her body. I wouldn't say this gown is bad but it certainly doesn't flatter her body. She's buxom, and this gown makes her look cheesy."