Gaming in the Fourth Dimension: 'Tactile Gaming Vest' Developed at Pennsylvania University by Graduate Student Saurabh Palan - - Updated Video

Few days back we presented here on Trends & Styles 4U, an amazing gaming vest created by Grad student Saurabh Palan and engineers from the University of Pennsylvania - the Tactile Gaming Vest.

Imagine playing ‘Call of Duty’ and feeling the shock of being hit by an opponent’s bullet. Not only would you feel the impact, you would feel the change in blood flow. The Tactile Gaming Vest is sure to take gaming (and the movie-watching experience) to a whole new level.

Our world is quickly stepping towards 4-D, and I am totally excited about it! If I could get a hold of a Tactile Gaming Vest, I might just become a gamer.

"We decided to have some basic sensations like gunshot, punch or kick, body blows, surrounding environment (temperature, impacts due to artilleries and ammunitions). We also decided to include a sensation of blood flowing on the body from the location of the gun shot."
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