handsome actor Robert Pattinson - best-selling baby name copied for Americans born this year

Vampire-themed film 'Twilight' is not only capable of drugged teenage girls, but also mothers.

The proof, name the main character Edward Cullen - who played by handsome actor Robert Pattinson - best-selling baby name dicontek for Americans born this year.

Civil Registry of the United States or U.S. Social Security Administration released a list of the top baby names in 2009. These data show, the name of the most experienced an increase is, 'Cullen' - the name behind Edward Cullen - a vampire sucking the blood.

The name 'Cullen' was ranked 486th, leaping 300 ratings within a year, since 2008.

While the name 'Isabella' - characters 'Twilight' which starred Kristen Stewart - also skyrocketed, even replaced the 'Emma' as the most popular name for baby girls. Meanwhile, 'Bella' - short for Isabella was in position '58 '.

Rival Edward Cullen in getting the love Isabella, Jacob Black is also so inspiring baby names. Although the name 'Jacob' itself has been at the top of a baby boy's favorite for 11 years.

Not only the film that became an inspiration, parents also looked at the White House as a source of ideas.

'Maliyah' - variations of the name of the daughter of U.S. President, Barack Obama - Malia Obama is the fastest growing names.

'Maliyah' positions 296, 342 name and a jump from last year.

Meanwhile, 'Malia' position 192, an increase of 153 levels. Meanwhile, Obama's name a second daughter, 'Sasha', was ranked 261.

President Obama's popularity may be decreased based on public opinion polls. However, not for his name.

The name 'Barack' is in the position of 1993 - up 431 from the prior year level - well above the name of his dog, 'Bo'.

"Before a president named Barack Obama, the name 'Barack' are far away in the bottom of the list of most popular and hardly likely to be selected by the parents," said Acting U.S. Civil, Michael Astrue, such as pages loaded Telegraph, May 8, 2010.

"However, politicians can make a change in trend evident.
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