Julia Roberts Beautiful Universal

Julia Roberts was again placed on the top list of most beautiful woman in the world version of People magazine. The coronation was the twelfth time for the movie Pretty Woman star appears in the annual special edition magazine.

Roberts (42), mother of two five-year-old twins and a toddler aged two years, joining with Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Lopez in a list of the most beautiful woman in 2010.

Directed by Garry Marshall, who directed Roberts when it plays good-hearted prostitute 20 years ago in the movie Pretty Woman, says that she remains as beautiful as always.

"He is now far more mature, calm, and not too tense. He really is the mother who is very protective," said Marshall to People.

Roberts, who won an Oscar in 2001 in a charming acting in the film Erin Brockovich, will be present again in August next big screen in the film Eat, Pray, Love best-selling novel the same title written by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Meanwhile, Ashley Greene (23) who plays a blood-sucking creatures in a horrendous movie Twilight was one of several newcomers on the annual list of people who read widely and become the size of the world's celebrity status.

Greene with Canadian youth choir director and Justin Bieber, and runner-up of American Idol in 2009, Adam Lambert, a three-most handsome man in the world, while the trio of celebrities named front-actress Jessica Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson and the singer-go section special "Jessica-Jessica is Beautiful".

When Julia Roberts appeared on the cover of this special edition of People magazine, the other celebrities fail to enter ratings or tertampan prettiest, but it went pretty or handsome category. They include Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bradley Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Patrick Dempsey.

Last year, confer the title of People magazine's most beautiful woman in the world to actress Christina Applegate, who recently announced publicly that he was battling breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy surgery (breast removal).
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