Back To Traffic School

Showing up for another traffic school session, Nicole Richie was spotted in Van Nuys, California on Wednesday (June 23).

With a coffee-in hand, the former “Simple Life” gal looked cute in a leopard-print skirt and jean jacket as she headed inside for class.

In related news, it was recently reported that Ms Richie’s 2006 DUI probation has been extended for another year, according to her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley.

Nicole’s probation has been extended until March 2011, due to the fact that she was given a court-approved leave of absence from her alcohol education classes, a condition of her probation, to raise her children, Harlow, 2, and Sparrow, 9 months. A Los Angeles judge did say that Richie's probation could be lifted if she completes the required amount of classes before March of next year.
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