Is celebritiy such as Angelina Jolie brings big influence to charity?

Angelina Jolie is good will ambassador for UNCHR. Does she brings big influence to humanitarian?

Marissa Buckanoff, a spokeswoman for UNICEF, said "UNICEF's celebrities have a wide range of talents and achievements, but they all share a commitment to improving the lives of children worldwide. And in each case a celebrity's association with UNICEF comes about because he or she has already demonstrated that commitment."

President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles, California said,
"When a celebrity goes to another country the media is there. Celebrities help bring the spotlight to the need for shelter with Habitat for Humanity." , also known as the United Nations Refugee Agency, and UNICEF has a number of celebrity ambassadors, including Liv Tyler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Clay Aiken.

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