Lyme Vajkule pregnant!

This news item from the category of "obvious incredible! Nevertheless, each Limes Vajkule Boris Moiseyev confirmed that 56-year-old singer is indeed the second month of pregnancy.

"I'm so happy for her! Age - not an obstacle! After all, there are women who give birth and 60! So it is not surprising, - shared his views sverhemotsionalny Moses. "

To give birth, they may give birth, but how to raise a child in this age? That is, we think, the main question. Well all right. Boris also admitted that the conception occurred by artificial means, but the donor was not anonymous - they made a civilian man and concert director Andrew Vajkule Latkovsky.

Meanwhile, she Lima told the press that she had twice had chances to become a mother, but, alas, she did not use them:

"I always knew that I would best mom in the world. It's in my blood. And the chances were. Twice. But both times the pregnancies ended in abortion. I'm so sorry about that. I had to choose between a child and a career, I just started to sing, and I had everything ahead ... Unfortunately, I chose a career - said Lima. "

Honestly, is hard to believe that pregnancy Lima Vajkule - more than once a PR move. But if it's still true, the singer must express respect for the heroism and wish her great success!
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