The new Spider-Man, Sony will save a tidy sum

As we recently learned, in the fourth movie Spider-Man Tobey Maguire will replace the young and little-known actor Andrew Garfield.

The role of the famous franchise will be a good start for Garfield, but the money she did not bring. Rather, bring, but the scale of Hollywood's quite a bit. One of the American tabloid published the amount of the fee actor - for the role of Spider-Man, he gets all nothing more than 500 thousand dollars that you will agree, very little in format film from 80-million budget.
People say it is money and become the reason that Sony has become to look for the replacement of Tobey Maguire. The fact that the first picture of the actor will receive 4 million for the second - 17 million, over a third - 15 million but, according to rumors, a quarter of the greedy Toby asked for as much as 20 million in all, this arrangement of bosses film company did not accept, and they quickly found the "cheap" spider. Hopefully saving mode does not affect the quality, because, as popular wisdom says, stingy always pays twice.
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