Comic Actor Russell Brand’s VISA to be Revoked?

Comedian Russell Brand got into trouble after beating up a paparazzi who got too close to his fiancée Katy Perry. According to sources, Brand stopped the reporter from taking pictures up Perry’s skirt. The ruckus caused the actor/singer to spend a couple of hours in jail before he was finally released after paying a $20,000 bail.

The situation would not have turned out even more badly until Brand tweeted that he was thankful for some of the tips he got from chokey that made him an even better criminal.

Whether it may be because of his statement or his action towards the paparazzi, U.S. immigration officials decided to investigate on the situation which can cost Brand his VISA if the investigation turns badly.

According to a source from the US Citizen and Immigration Services, a charge of battery can cause anyone a case of aggravated felony. If this happens, Brand’s VISA can be revoked because any criminal conviction can lead to VISA revocation. In case this happens, Brand will be given deportation proceedings, blocking him access to the country and will never be allowed to return again.

Russell proposed to Perry in a romantic ceremony he has set-up at Taj Rambagh Palace hotel in India. The two shocked both close friends and fans about their planned wedding which will happen in months. Wonder where the wedding will happen if ever Brand’s VISA get revoked?
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