Kanye Goes Wild on Twitter

Kanye West must have had a lot of extra time on his hands lately. It looks like he has been using it to get caught up on Twitter. His tweets have run the gamut of emotions, mostly however, they have focused on forgiveness and how sorry he still is for his the whole awards-show debacle with Taylor West.

Kanye stated that he wrote a song especially for Taylor Swift that he wants her to sing. If she refuses, he’s willing to perform it for her.

In all, West tweeted almost one hundred times in about two hours. He compared himself to Ron Burgandy, in the Will Ferrell movie, Anchor Man, claiming that he is hated just like Burgandy was. West insists that he is taking responsibility for himself and insisted that he was a good person.The last and final Tweet in this Twitter marathon, simply said “I’m sorry Taylor.”

I personally think its time for Kanye to get over it. He interrupted the girl during her speech. Though this was incredibly rude, he didn’t exactly kill anyone. Stating that he is sorry over and over just makes him look a bit desperate. Man up West, I’m sure Swift has!
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