Kanye West Believes That VMA’s Caused Career Downturn

Kanye West seems to continuously have diarrhea of the mouth as it concerns the entire West-Taylor fiasco. It seems that he can’t stop talking about it.

I’m for one am fed up with it and was hoping that that the 2010 VMAs would put an end to the entire thing. Unfortunately, it hasn’t.

West is once again talking about it, this time in the XXL magazine and in his own words. Kanye wrote the article himself. He again mentioned that his storming the stage was not personal and was not about race.

At this years VMAs, Kanye attempted to make things right by singing a song he wrote about the incident. It was all about jerks. However, he can’t seem to get over it and this is in part is because he feels like it has negatively affected career.

West stated that he threw “…a Molotov cocktail at my own career, and it gave me an opportunity, for the first time, to go away and find out who I was. Because I felt very alone.”

Personally, I believe that what’s killing West’s career is the fact that he keeps talking about what happened. Most people had basically forgotten about it or are at least are trying to forget about it. He just keeps bringing it back up. Leave it alone Kanye. You didn’t kill anyone. Forgive yourself. It really wasn’t a huge deal in the grand scheme of things!
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