Lindsay Lohan Denied Bail: Behind Bars

The saga continues! Everyone close to the Lindsay Lohan situation believed that this morning’s hearing for her recent probabtion violation, would be a short and sweet one.

“Insiders” and ”experts” believed that the Judge would allow Lohan to post bail and then send her on her merry way, at least until the official hearing.

Well, surprise, surprise! Judge Elden Fox shocked everyone. He refused to listen to any arguments from attorneys. Instead, he denied Lohan’s bail and had her taken into custody. So how long will Lindsay be behind bars? Many believe until October 22nd.

In case you haven’t been following all of the drama, Lindsay is in trouble for failing two drug tests. These two failed drug tests are such a big deal because Lohan was on probation and her staying out of jail was contigent upon her not using drugs. To make sure she stayed clean, she was required to take weekly drug test.

Lohan ended up failing her drug tests for two consecutive weeks. One test was positive for Adderall and the other for cocaine. These failed drug tests are in violation with her probation and could (actually, now they have) land her in the slammer.

The amount of time she will end up spending in jail for these offenses would be in addition to the time she is currently spending behind bars.

Maybe Lindsay will finally take the legal system seriously. She has been skating by so long, getting by on her tears, looks, stardom and saying the right things. Maybe Lohan will finally get that she is like everyone else, and so not above the law.

Hopefully, this move by Judge Elden Fox will help save Lindsay’s life because she is certainly out of control and more time spent on the streets might have def been harmful!
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