Paris Hilton Given Special Treatment by the Las Vegas Police?

Heiress Paris Hilton managed to make some noise again in Tinseltown after she was allegedly arrested in Los Angeles because of cocaine possession. Being detained is already considered common for the actress, but the news still stirred some whispers after news broke out that the actress/heiress was able to get in and out of the Clark County Detention. The usual charge process usually takes about six hours but Hilton was immediately released just after three short hours. As a result, speculators thought that the popular starlet was getting special treatment.

Fortunately, it turns out that ‘special treatment’ is not actually the approach the police was vying for. According to the Deputy Chief of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, Jim Dixon, it is true that he did release the actress a little earlier than usual but not because he is trying to do her favors. Instead, Hilton was immediately discharged because receiving a popular personality in a police station usually disrupts the charge process of other lawbreakers due to the hordes of people trying to grab a peek of the star.

Dixon said that if he didn’t act like he did, he’ll be obliged to take care of more troubles because then he’ll need to ask for more officers to keep inmates and other people from Hilton. However, he promised that even though Hilton’s process was faster than the average, the starlet is still subjected to the regular booking procedures lawbreakers face.
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