Paris Hilton Owes $160,000 To ‘Pledge This!’ Moviemakers

We all know that Paris Hilton has bigger problems to worry about besides a flop of a movie that she has to shell out some petty chump change to. But, the makers of the movie Pledge This! have been awarded $160,000 after suing the heiress for $8.3 million.

She was sued after she failed to appear at promotions for the movie and now she has to pay damages over the flop. Judge Federico Moreno ruled that Paris was found in breach of contract after refusing to do interviews with Russian and U.K. magazines for the movie.

The judge said that Paris could be liable to pay the producers, Worldwide Entertainment Group Inc, the paltry sum (to her). He valued the lost promotional opportunities at around $160,000, but he will not finalize the ruling until he sees further documentation in her contract.

She’s busy with other things, I’m sure. Something about an arrest and possible jail time?!?
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