How hard core porn affects????

A survey on how hard core porn affects men has revealed that after a period of time they start losing their sexuality and are unable to form connected, intimate relationships.

The porn these men consume looks nothing like their father's Playboy. In place of soft core, soft focus images of naked women smiling coyly at the camera, consumers are catapulted into a world of cruel and brutal sex acts designed to dehumanise women, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

In the vast majority of porn today, sex is not about making love, as the feelings and emotions normally associated with such an act are missing.

Feelings of hate, fear, disgust, anger, loathing, and contempt replace connection, empathy, tenderness, caring, and affection.

Many of the men in the survey believe that porn sex is what women want, and they become upset and angry when their sex partner, perhaps their wife, girlfriend, or a one night hook-up, refuses to look or behave like their favourite porn star.

These men have become so accustomed to porn sex that some are disappointed by their own sexual performance.

When they compare themselves with the male porn actors, who can sustain Viagra-fortified erections for long periods, the guys often admit to feeling like sexual losers, and worry something is wrong with them.

Sex and relationship therapists Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz discuss in their book 'The Porn Trap' how therapists are seeing a rising wave of porn addicts looking for help.

They found both in their practice and from interviewing other therapists that "what used to be a small problem for relatively few people had grown to a societal issue that was spilling over and causing problems in the lives of countless everyday people".

Gail Dines is a professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College in Boston. Her latest book is 'Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality'.
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