Italian animated film wins award

Italian short film "Big Bang Big Boom" directed by Blu was awarded late Saturday the top prize at international animation festival Anim'est in Bucharest.

The jury praised the creation for its "inventive and monumental execution". Produced in 2010, "Big Bang Big Boom" evokes evolution and its possible consequences in a non-scientific manner.

French-Italian co-production "Eleanor's Secret" by Dominique Monfery received the prize for the best feature film, while South Korean director Yumi Jung was awarded the prize for best short film for her "Dust Kid".

Created last year to stimulate animation in the region, the Balkanimation section gave its award to a Bosnian-Canadian co-production, "Once upon a many time" by Eva Cvijanovic. The film explores relationships with places and people when forced to leave home.

The award for the best Romanian film in competition went to Cecilia Felmeri for her animated documentary "Mathias, Mathias".

This fifth edition of Anim'est, one of the main animation festivals in Eastern Europe, screened 511 films from 46 countries and featured American director Alex Budovsky as a special guest.
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