Mallika Sherawat goes nude

Mallika Sherwat has given her best to turn into an international 'naagin' for her upcoming Hollywood flick Hisss.
As per the international viewpoint, clothes obstructs one's metamorphosis into a 'naagin', so the actress had to shed clothes several times in the film when she was required to transform into a snake.

Now, everyone is curious to know whether Mallika has performed the nude scenes herself or a body double was used for the same. There is a report that the nude scenes were mostly performed by Mallika herself.

Considering the bold attitude of the actress, it is not very tough to believe.

However, her brother Vikram Lamba and co-producer Ratan Jain have repeatedly claimed that a body double was used for the nude scenes in Jennifer Lynch directed Hisss.

Govind Menon, co-producer of Hisss, has also confirmed the news. Menon was quoted saying that being a committed artist, Mallika wanted to give authentic feel to the scenes so she has done most of the nude scenes herself.

He added that Mallika was very comfortable doing the scenes because she was working with a woman director.

Menon added that if they want to compete with the best films of the world, they should be prepared to undertake whatever is performed by the leading actresses like Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek.

He informed that body double was used in a scene where Mallika's character was required to crawl in the mud. This was used because of the cold weather and the mud scenes were physically burdensome.

The body double has also performed one or two stunts, as it was very dangerous for Mallika to jump.

The co-producer further said that the body double was not used in any of the transformation scenes. He said that the nude scenes are justified here because when one transforms into a snake, she can't wear a dress or even a small piece of cloth and jewelery.

However, the producer said that they did not zoom onto the private parts while taking the frontal nude shots and the full nude scenes were done aesthetically.
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