The International Film Festival of India's (IFFI's) new website has become the preferred destination for Cine lovers seeking information about the ongoing fest.
A 130pc increase in traffic in the last one week, is a proof to it.
The Official Website Ranking has also improved, said authorities on Saturday.
Before the launch of the new website, the site ranking was 50,000.
Within 3 days of the commencement of IFFI 2010, it is now ranked 32,000 in India - a jump of 18000 ranking points (based on statistics from website ranking site
Amongst the other statistical achievements of the site, its Bounce Rate, Page Views, and Average Time Spent on the site are also areas where growth is seen.
It is also worth noting that 'Search Analytics' on has revealed that IFFI Daily, the uploaded pdf version of the IFFI Daily bulletin, is one of the most accessed links on the IFFI website.
To ensure a smooth ride without traffic snarls on its website, Directorate of Film Festivals has a renovated layout to account for better user experience, as well as an enormous amount of well-arranged data for users to access.
Amongst the highlights of the new renovated website are Restructuring of Hyperlink bar to make it more user friendly, daily Update of Photo Flash, and daily upload of IFFI Video (done by 9 Pm everyday) so visitors to the website can literally have IFFI streaming in onto their desktops.
A daily Upload of IFFI Daily, the official news bulletin of the International Film Festival of India, is uploaded onto the site everyday at 9 AM.
In the new layout, the schedules have been properly integrated under one link, thus providing the users with an easy access to the dates and timings of their favorite films as they play.
All the multi- media content, including trailers and stills of various films, have been uploaded onto the site.