LED Pain Reliever - - 60 LEDs Produce Safe Infrared Heat to Stimulate Blood Circulation, Relieve Swelling in Joints, And Loosen Tight Muscles

This LED Pain Reliever tech was originally developed by NASA, and now here it is, back on earth to help us reduce pain in all our important little places. The LED bit provides ‘deep tissue’ penetration which apparently translates into more effective, so don’t delay, banish pain today. Or something. $159.95.

 Using technology developed by NASA to heal astronauts’ injuries, this device’s 60 LEDs produce safe infrared heat to stimulate blood circulation, relieve swelling in joints, and loosen tight muscles. A study at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee showed the LED technology reduced painful inflammation by up to 37%. Unlike heating pads that only treat just below the skin’s surface, the LED light penetrates deep into tissue for lasting relief from muscle aches.
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