Levi Strauss Decided to Go Eco-friendly - - Water Saving Jeans Manufacturing Technology Introduced by The Levi's

A leading name in the field of jeans garments, Levi Strauss, has now decided to go eco-friendly, as the company has devised an all new way of jeans manufacturing, that would enable it to save up to a massive 16 million gallons of water by Spring 2011. This methodology is said to e very simple in nature and does not require any complex mechanism. Levi’s simply took the conventional jeans manufacturing process and added some modifications to it, thus leading to the birth of water less jeans.

At any given time, the process of jeans manufacturing, requires Levi’s to wash the fabric in industrial sized washing machines, from three to ten times before the jeans is finally ready as a finished product. However, with the new mechanism, Levi’s has now been able to make use of the ozone processing technique into garment washing, thus reducing the number of wash cycles to a single wet process. This incredible innovative approach has enabled Levi’s to reduce the water consumption by at least 28% and in some cases, this figure has even reached to a whopping 96%.

Levi’s has planned to introduce the all new waterless jeans in the month of January next year, under the brand make of Levi’s 501, 511, and 514 jeans and the consumers will be able to get their own pair of the magnificent jeans with a starting price of $68.

According to Kelly Benander (Director of Corporate Communications, Levi Strauss),

“We took the idea of jeans that use fashion-forward finishes that people love to wear–the worn in look, creases around the pockets–but made with a lot less water. We went into laundries, talked to suppliers, and asked how to create this.”

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