Grammy winner Paula Abdul (American Idol) did not know till November four what was Diwali, most popular festival of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains.
One follower tweeted her on November four: "Tomorrow is Indian Festival Diwali".
Abdul re-tweeted: "what's Diwali? sounds cool....."
Her followers replied: "Festival of Lights", to which she sent the re-tweet—"thank you! sending you love and *hugs* for that!"
Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) on Saturday said: "Since Hollywood and other entertainment industry had worldwide reach and affected the lives of many around the globe, Hollywood/entertainment bigwigs/celebrities should become familiar with at least basics of world religions to understand the feelings of their audiences better."
Paula Julie Abdul, 48, is an American TV personality-singer-dancer-actress.
Diwali, the festival of lights, aims at dispelling the darkness and lighting up the lives and symbolizes the victory of good over evil.