Samsung has teamed up with famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani to bring out another phone. This time it is an android phone called Galaxy S Android. This designer phone has a 5-megapixel camera, a multimedia player, push e-mail service, along with 16 gigabytes of memory. This Android phone will be retailed for 700 Euros or about $965.
One can buy them from the Giorgio Armani stores and the leading mobile retailers in Italy, France, the U.K., Germany, Dubai, China, Hong Kong, Spain, Russia and the Netherlands from December onwards. I am surprised that the branding and design of this phone has been kept to a minimum. But then again, Armani is not know to be too flashy. I am not too sure about what kind of verdict to give for this phone. It seems like a pretty decent smart phone.
The memory space is quite impressive. Plus you also have the Armani name embossed on top of the phone. If you are more of a tech savvy, then I would suggest you to look around for phones with better features. But if you happen to be a fan of the designer, then go ahead and get one for yourself this holiday season.