Trex S929 Self Flying Helicopter: USB Powered Radio Controlled Aircraft - - The World First Record-and-Fly Helicopter

This tiny Trex S929 Self Flying Helicopter takes the USB powered radio controlled aircraft market to a whole new place. Not only will it do all those clever flying things that normal R/C helicopters do, but if you press the record button while doing stunts, and then press play, the thing will fly itself and repeat the pattern exactly. Look Ma, no hands. $37.90.

RECORD your Flying Behavior!! Helicopter can SIMULATE it to Fly!! – The World First Record-and-Fly Helicopter, it can fly itself without control! – The Full Functions Helicopter, rather than Trim, Speed and Direction control, it also comes with Turbo Speed, Direction Speed, LED control and Simulate control. – White Color 1-LED and 2 Flash LEDs in the front, which can illuminate the Dark/Dim environment, the LEDs can be switched OFF to save energy.
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