Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) Media Player Information Leaked - - Unofficial Availability to Public

The most talked about mobile platform, Google’s Android, has starting capture the whole race of modern devices ranging from smartphones, tablet PC’s to netbooks. After Android 2.3 (also known as Gingerbread); which is now operative on different devices like Samsung Nexus S, the updated Android 3.0 (commonly known as Honeycomb) is making their way to invade the market. 

Most probably there won’t be any devices powered by the Android 3.0 Honeycomb until well into 2011, but if you’re a bit anxious and are willing to pull a few strings you can get down on some Honeycomb right now. The reason I say this is because according to reports the official Android 3.0 media player has leaked and is available to download, unofficially, for a wide array of different smartphones.

As you can see from the above screenshot the updated media player is quite a bit different but it’s not available yet for everyone. According to reports, the leaked version will only work for those running versions aside from Android 2.3 or 2.1.1. Froyo user? You should be set to go.

If you aren’t a fan of unofficial leaks make note that Google is sure to release the official version at some point next year. We’ll keep you posted as more official news is made known.
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