De Niro tops on screen death list

Veteran actor Robert De Niro has topped a new survey of actors who have died the most in their movies.

De Niro has met a nasty end in 15 different movies, including "Cape Fear", "Jackie Brown", and "Heat" topping a poll by

Second in the list is Hollwyood heavyweight Bruce Willis, who died 11 times in movies, including "Mortal Thoughts" and "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle", reports.

Third place is bagged by Johnny Depp, with 10 on-screen deaths, including his blood-spattered exit in "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, and Jack Nicholson died nine times.

The top 10 was rounded by Denzel Washington and Christian Bale with eight on-screen deaths, and George Clooney with five.
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