No idea how long he had now really live without a woman, but as necesasary as some other candidate, he has this really Verkupplungsaktion not.
He is correct, although not my taste and gave me a totally unpleasant impression, but with the ladies, he seems not to be so unpopular.
Why does he then ever advertised on RTL? Finally, he earned his living as a "window manufacturer and practices the farmers only as a secondary activity. So dramatically that now is not, but you received the presentation has a different impression. Pottschalk has been wondering how he and his field because he also still plowing with a horse must be able to survive in the long run. Also make some goats not fill the roast. The John stinks just enormous and that is not in the fresh country air.
His ex-affair Barbel is six months pregnant and raises serious allegations against the hobby farmers. Apparently he had in "Farmer Wants a Wife" advertised, because he wanted to be on TV and you have even promised a relationship. Then came the candidate (28) and suddenly Barbel (41) forgotten! Here, John is one of her child even have wished and according to the descriptions of his ex-lover is even talk of "love at first sight!" Of course this is only one side of the story, because what John says about the charges I do not know. But that someone can marry off the TV, now surely did not suffer from loneliness and not even "real" Bauer speaks for itself, really. Nothing was nevertheless Farmer Wants a Wife 2010, a real cool season, only John was just in my view, the black sheep and anything but sharp.
Whether he has with his Anja probably found true happiness? I was quite surprised yesterday when they had to report all the children alone ever scheduled, and John did nothing more. This holds not determined a long time! Hopefully the fires Anja the organic farmers now in the well-deserved compost and till then she can calm him a little dance around on the nose....