Hilary Swank 'struggles to gain weight'

Hilary Swank has revealed that she struggles to gain weight.

The actress was required to put on 15lbs for her role in the drama Conviction but admitted that she had to more than double her caloric intake and stop working out to achieve the task.

"I personally have difficulty keeping weight on, and for this role I had to add 15lbs. My character, a single mum, hadn't any opportunity to stay fit," she explained to the New York Post.

"For my own needs, I like working out. But to gain weight I stopped that. Besides, this was an independent film. Small budget. We filmed long hours, long days. No time to work out."

Swank added: "Normally I only eat until I'm full. On this shoot, I kept eating more. Even when I was full, I'd eat more. With nowhere to go, the weight stays on you."
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