Justin Bieber: "Beliebers" fight for your towel

During a concert held in Pittsburgh in the middle of this month Justin Bieber gave his fans an object that was the cause of tremendous dispute.

Every time I attend a concert hope to have a memory of that day. Something that it’s make memorable and beyond the fact of seeing my favorite artist. For example, recently went to a concert of a band that I really like and when they were saying goodbye to the crowd that cheered euphorically, drummer decided, by way of thanks, throwing his drumsticks to the public.

They fell so close to me. I jumped on them no matter what another person and have caught before. As I there were others who did the same but in the end no one could steal the drumsticks from the hands of the person who had caught. A guy six feet well muscled with a face that "if I take them off, I'll kill you."

Something similar happened last December 13 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Justin Bieber was giving them to "Believers bright presentation with majestic choreography when suddenly; he threw his towel his fans. This was an altercation between the girls began to hit the only goal to seize the object that had pervaded the sweat Justin.

This fight prompted the singer to pause in his presentation until order is restored. Here is the video.

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