Lily Allen makes first public appearance after miscarriage

Singer Lily Allen has finally returned to the spotlight in London after her miscarriage in October.
The Smile hitmaker retreated to her home in the countryside after the devastating loss of her baby, six months into her pregnancy, reports the Daily Star.

She has kept in touch with fans via, thanking them for their support.

But made her return to the spotlight on Friday when she helped celebrate the launch of the new flagship Miu Miu store on the capital''s Bond Street.

Allen, who also battled septicaemia following her miscarriage, looked healthy at the event.

No Botox for Alexandra Burke
Singer Alexandra Burke admits she battled with body issues when she was younger, but had refused to go under the knife to enhance her looks.

"I never used to be comfortable in my own skin... I have long feet and a short body. But I appreciate now that I'm smaller on the top," quoted her as saying.

"I would never have plastic surgery. Why ruin what you've been given? You don't need Botox and everything. Everyone is individual; there is no one out there the same. Why change that uniqueness about you?

"I did a photo shoot once where they air-brushed my thighs to make them look stick thin and I was like, 'Give me my thighs and my bum back because that's what I have!' I've just been signed to a model agency, and if me and my 5' 3" self can do that, anyone can," she said.
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