“Romeo”: Adult-sized Humanoid Robot Designed by Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics - - Designed Specifically to Help the Old and Handicapped

The French are jumping into the field of development of advanced adult-size humanoid robots with the introduction of “Romeo”; specifically designed to help the old and handicapped persons in their daily activities like carrying food from the kitchen, taking out the garbage, and acting as a loyal companion who entertains its owners and keep check on their health.

‘Romeo’, 1.4-meter-tall and weighs 40 kg, designed by Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics set to be unveiled in first quarter of 2011. Expected to cost about 250,000 Euros around $330,000, Romeo will be available first to project partners and university researchers. An enhanced version will later be offered to hospitals and nursing homes and after that to individuals as well.

Aldebaran claims that Romeo will introduce several improvements including a four-vertebra backbone, articulated feet, a partially soft torso, a composite leg exoskeleton, and a new kind of actuator that lets the robot control its limbs in a safer way.
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