Susanna Reid burgled while sleeping

Susanna Reid has revealed that her home was recently burgled during the night.

The BBC Breakfast host said that thieves broke into her South London house while she was sleeping on Wednesday night and made off with her car, a 32-inch television and an Apple iPad and iPhone.

Reid - who lives with her partner Dominic Cotton and their three sons - told the Daily Mail that it was her children who first noticed something was missing.

She explained: "We found out we had been burgled when our 6-year-old son came upstairs and said, 'Daddy, where's the TV?'

"The boys know what happened, but they are not too concerned. They were just excited about the police coming round and dusting for fingerprints."

Reid said that she was glad no-one was injured and that none of the children's presents were snatched in the burglary. She also admitted that she was relieved not to have encountered any of the intruders.

"I woke up in the middle of the night, which is unusual for me, and couldn't sleep for an hour or so. I'm just so relieved I didn't bump into them," she added.

"I feel so bad for people who have had this done to them before Christmas when there are loads of presents in the house. At least that didn't happen to us. All the children's gifts had been unwrapped and weren't in full view."
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