How would you feel if I say that the culprit is Leonardo Di Caprio? Surely many can they be that Vanessa had an affair with the actor of "The Source", but no, that's not right. When I say that Leonardo had a hand in the end of the relationship between the young actors involved are the Zac Efron.
Do not think anything unusual. What happens is that Zac, according to a source, has been very interested in becoming the successor of Leo. "He has decided to leave behind her past, including" High School Musical "to become known as a sexy actor, and Leonardo Di Caprio.”
Also, the source says that Zac, once finished with Vanessa, has been enjoying his single life. Moreover, reports that long ago that he had been waiting for such moments.
"They are not of those who fight, complete and return. He was already willing to experience life as a single man. "
Anyway if the relationship between the two is still friends, I guess it all ended well. But if I had been in a situation similar to Vanessa, bother me a lot to me just finish by trying to change an image.