Angelina Jolie will not be acting as sex kitten in Cleopatra

In Sony Pictures' new 3D biopic, based on Stacy Schiff's biography Queen Of The Nile, Cleopatra: A Life, Angelina Jolie will not be acting as sex kitten for Cleopatra role.

Director Scott Rudin said: "It is a completely revisionist Cleopatra, a much more grown-up sophisticated version.

"She's not a sex kitten, she's a politician, strategist, warrior. In the Joseph Mankiewicz movie, Elizabeth Taylor is a seductress, but the histories of Cleopatra have been written by men. This is the first to be written by a woman.

"It felt like such a blow-the-doors-off-the-hinges idea of how to tell it, impossible to resist. We're pretty close. A lot of directors want to do it, but there is only a handful we'll make it with."

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