Jennifer Aniston prefer love, before her career

I can not imagine putting myself in the place of an actress, having to choose between your race (Fame, money, and do what you want) and love would say that I prefer love but honestly is a very difficult choice, however, actress Jennifer Aniston says she would choose love before his race.

Jennifer has been interviewing the actress, Nicole Kidman To the magazine Harper's bazaars' in the February issue, that's where he makes a comment about what she would choose if you have the alternative of race and love.

Nicole says about love and race: "I like asking people if they would have a major love for life or race amazing for them to go down in history. Some respond that they want a race extraordinary ". Meanwhile Aniston says: "I know his choice. It drawer, choose the love of my life ".

Jennifer asked Nicole about his relationship with Keith Urban and be the man of her life, Kidman replied: "I remember when I met Keith I said, 'Oh God, if you give me a man like that I promise that I will become devoted to you for the rest of my life something so crazy”. I remember then I prayed to ask if it was not he at least knew someone who looked like him. "

Apparently the two actresses prefer love above all, that's OK, at least that's what I think, fortunately also have a good race and a reputation for being good at what they do, act.
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