We have a new King of the Jungle!
Celebrities are January 11 2011 in the RTL camp held in the jungle and fought there for the favor of the audience. Saying that one is there perhaps previously considered how you would like to present themselves there and how the audience probably best arrives.
Finally, when most projections from the show business and have determined that alleged hardship exposed not only to collect a "new life experience." For many of the plan of "image enhancement" or "To again call to mind" did not work. Do you remember who the first to leave the jungle camp was? Brooding, brooding, right - That was Froonck Matthee and has won neither Nocht lost something.
Just as Jacob and Eva Gitta Saxx! Finally, Sarah Knapp and whether they followed biggest loser of the Jungle Camp 2011, to be seen. At least now knows the whole of Germany its name.

Jay Khan and Indira were previously little known and whether the Dschungelove story was staged or not now, what they did was really dislike the ultimate blasphemy land. The kisses were now real? This is me and I would not care now ready to forgive the alleged Love Show.
Hey, they have always entertained us so well! If they had kept only slightly more often the door would then Jay Khan and Indira stand today much better. Nothing however has lost Langhans, even if it after the broadcast and
TV together cut-scenes outraged and criticized the show when the only impression viewer’s krawilligen hintlerassen Rainer would. Flap Rainer!
That is why we want it, and maybe you would often times look to RTL, says the Pottschalk. Mathieu Carriere me has always been suspect and his character is genuine antipathy to beat. With his letter to Peer mucus Kusmagk he does not have the whole nor the crown put on!

Vice-Queen Katy Karrenbauer yesterday gleefully nibbling at the crocodile penis drank camel's blood and left the sheep brain is. These disgust-scenes I will soon forget and Thomas Rupprath swam occasionally with the flow, but his blasphemous estates seemed nevertheless limits to keep in it. Peer Kusmgak is certainly deserving jungle become king and still Pottschalk is nice yesterday sadly been quite. The Jungle Camp 2011 is over! It was the most exciting social experiment, one each season has produced what. All masks have fallen, and ultimately how I'm super excited because some want to get out tonight to speak in the jungle camp reunion show again...