I imagine that Store crowded every day for girls, no need to offer discounts or anything like that. It is so much the amount of admirers Bieber, Which would not surprise me that every day has to renew the stock of Store.
This Store take place within the complex "The Grove", Los Angeles, and it could be found all products known as the singer, such as headsets, sweatshirts, hats, etc., and several others recently have its premiere on the market.
According to a source close to Justin Bieber to start the project, the singer of "Baby" is in talks with the same company in charge of opening a Store for Kardashian sisters in Las Vegas, also stressed that they were from the idea that "they are also trying to find another artist to Island Def Jam (record company you work with Justin) To be the face of a brand of candy.”
I imagine that a Store of Justin To his admirers will open a candy store for kids: Wonderful.