Miley Cyrus to duet with Nick Jonas?

The actress of "So Undercover" and Nick Jonas could be recording a duet as what has been learned from the words of music producer Green Shakur.

After recording the song "Send it on", next to many of the other stars Disney, Nick Jonas and Miley want to repeat the dish, as it has released its producer Green Shakur on your personal Twitter account, they would both be working on a project duo.

"I'm going to share the following information: It will be a double disc album to album duo”.

Surely fans of both singers and fans should be excited for this rumor confirmation as soon as possible. It would be a comeback for both to get this double album, which also, perhaps, is the collaboration of another singer more.

Once you know more about this news, I will make known to you all. At the moment is all there. Do you like the idea of Miley and Nick together in a duo?
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