Sabrina wants to kill Lady GaGa

Sabrina the Teenage Witch? No, that Sabrina no. The world wants to disappear GaGa is the singer Sabrina. Do not you know? Well, I had no idea of it, until I read this I tell them.

In the world there are millions of people who idolize Lady GaGa. Everything she does seems a milestone in the entertainment industry and surrender at his feet. However, there is also a group of people who do not sympathize much with the attitudes of the singer of "Poker Face", among which is its companion "Inters cope Records" Sabrina.

Sabrina is a singer who, with his song "I want to shoot Lady GaGa"(" I want to shoot Lady GaGa"), has been meddling in their name in the entertainment world. She says she's tired of all that is at issue GaGa and that people do not realize how untrue that is, among other things, so go away. These are his words:

"My song 'I want to shoot Lady GaGa is not about wanting to shoot Stefani Germanotta, the lonely and insecure girl who is best known for the world under his alter ego, Lady GaGa. The song is about killing the gimmick, the character Lady GaGa. This does not mean anything sadistic or cursed, what I mean is ... just look at the art of song. We use a water pistol, nothing violent, just metaphorical. I want to kill everything it represents and defends. "

But that is not everything. Sabrina also dares to predict that this will be the year that GaGa find the end of his career: "I believe that 2011 will be the year of its decline. People are sick of it now. Its charm is old and boring; she came out with a spectacular coup, now there is not much she can do to keep our attention. His strength has become its weakness. I think she will start to feel so outdated; it will start to fall as fast as it rose. "

Finally, he warns to keep you wide awake when it was crossing the road, because "I do kill Lady GaGa. I'll be walking down the red carpet with a little holy water gun in his pocket, with which soak in head to toe. In fact. "

Well the only thing I think of all this is that Sabrina wants a little publicity at the expense of GaGa. Nothing more. By the way, I leave the song, if interested.

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