Scarlett Johansson in sexy advertising champagne

The very beautiful actress Scarlett Johansson, as some may know is the face of famous mark champagne called Moet & Chandon Champagne” And here I present a few photos his most recent campaign advertising that the sexy show, as always.

In photos no trace of his recent divorce from actor Ryan Reynolds, happily. A Scarlett it looks radiant, sultry and all those qualities she has always handled very well and we are all captivated fans to the core.

Recall that she was chosen since 2009 as Attorney Moet & Chandon Champagne and for this campaign Advertising. The brand, through the lens of the British photographer Tim Walker, shows a Scarlett with a classic look that is perfect.

And according to President Brand, Daniel Lalonde, Scarlett is the ideal complement to highlight the style of your product: Moet & Chandon the champagne most wanted since 1743 is a universal symbol of the joy of life and success. This new campaign highlights the return of immutable elegance and glamour that are inherent in both Moet as Scarlett". I drink to that!

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