Will Angelina Jolie attending luncheon at the National Press Club?

Angelina Jolie is invited to attend luncheon at the National Press Club
on January 20 but it is not confirmed whether she will be coming or not
according to sources.

The Center for Public Integrity’s Media Relations Manager clarified this matter, as below:

"I read your post “Be on Lookout for Jolie” and I wanted to clarify that nothing has been confirmed at all and it’s highly unlikely she’ll be attending our event at the National Press Club on the 20th. I did reach out to her manager last week and shared information about the event via phone, email and by letter, which included an invitation, but it is very unlikely she’ll be attending. Jolie’s portrayal of Danny Pearl’s wife in A Mighty Heart clearly was the motivation for extending the invitation, along with her work as a UN Humanitarian Ambassador. I have not received any confirmation from Jolie’s manager and hope her manager does not think that this information was leaked by the Center."

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