Miley Cyrus Billy Ray wants no more talk

The father Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray, Planned to appear as a guest tomorrow on the American television program "The View." However, Miley have managed to cancel such a presentation to his father again say things like that said a few days ago, in which Disney blamed for everything bad that happened to your family.

When I read what Billy Ray said about the show that had brought fame to his daughter Miley Cyrus, I.e., the Disney "Hannah Montana” I was too clumsy. Even in that interview he did with GQ's father Miley he also made comparisons out of place between his daughter and other stars that had seen their careers in the worst way, as Anna Nicole Smith, for example.

So, to put an end to this kind of statement, Miley have decided to talk seriously with her father, to show their displeasure, and thus, Billy Ray cancel your next visit to "The View." A source close to the environment Miley recounted: "When Miley knew his father would appear on "The View" on Wednesday, she was furious. Just a week ago Billy GQ opened his mouth, and now plans to sit in that program and more trash talk from his family. In no way Miley and his team dietarian that happens. "

Happily Billy not occurs in that program. However, do not think they can keep away from the microphones for a long time, unless to be locked forever.
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