Nazril Irham Ariel 3.5 years jail Sex Scandals with gf Luna Maya video

Indonesian rock star Nazril Irham aka Ariel Peterpan has been sentenced to 3.5 years or 42 months in jail for the scandal videos which rocked Indonesia in June 2010.

The sentence was given today, January 31, 2011, and according to a report from The Jakarta Globe, Ariel has also been fined Rp250 million or $28,000 (P1.2M).

This latest development from the Ariel Peterpan-Luna Maya-Cut Tari video scandal came 7 months after Ariel surrendered to the Indonesian police in June 22 days after his videos circulated on the internet.

The Nazril Ariel Peterpan video scandal was a big national controversy in Indonesia and even made headlines around the world, including here in the Philippines.

We had quite similar case here when scandalous videos of model-doctor Hayden Kho Jr with a number of women including sexy actress Katrina Halili also leaked online in May 2009 with the latter filing a case against the former for allegedly taking the video without her consent
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