Pregnant Mariah Carey tweets pic of her painted belly

Pregnant Mariah Carey has tweeted a pic of her growing baby belly with a butterfly painted on it.

The painting has one pink wing and one blue, to symbolise the girl and boy that are due any day, reports

“My attempt festiveness on 327! For ATLITL thank u plus I?U! Comin soon #dembabies! LYMA+thanx 4 making me happy:)” she tweeted as a caption for the adorable pic on Monday.

The Grammy winning ‘Vision of Love singer’, in an earlier tweet, said she had been taken to the hospital for a false alarm on Sunday.

“So dembabies really wanted 2 celebrate w/us/share the anniversary! I started having contractions last night..went 2 the hospital ... They almost came on 3/27- happy anniversary in deed!!! We have a few more weeks 2 go but- wow!!!: ) soreadyallready!” she posted.
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