Zac Efron: Gay or just too cool?

"Ohh yes has no penis!" - Bad joke, because Zac Efron is here just professionally with Michelle Pfeiffer in front of the camera!

What Gayt for your beautiful with Zac Efron? Ah, our stars have really not easy. You take drugs; go permanent alien driving drunk car and the worst of all: "They are sometimes even gay!" Shout, scandal, Ihh, Bahh - How can this happen? Since you have to ask once the love of God and will tell you then the same, like the question why some people are blonde, others black, some red or brown hair.

Because it is what it is! Zac Efron High School Musical proved to be stage talent. He can sing, dance, looks too good and therefore he must be close to becoming gay. A nasty discrimination for all hetero men says the Pottschalk! Such stereotypes are now more simply not sustainable, but still are gay rumors in the Hollywood scene "walk and add".

The National Enquirer is a recognized journal, when it comes to the sexuality of various celebrities go and you would probably also claim that the earth is flat, would be if there were not "Google Earth" there.

A so-called inside the magazine has once again served up a tepid rumor! Party at the W Hotel where Vanessa Hudgens was present to have Zac Efron gauntlet with a man they should have even held hands and Vanessa seemed to be completely irrelevant. Is still full of course! The two had always a fake relationship and so can not suffer from the separation. She probably already knew that Zac Efron is really gay.

hen the two men but something else to keep little hands made out of? Yes, they have allegedly even snuggled and despite "phone camera" age there is no evidence of it, of course, photos. Who immediately press runs, which would have not slept through this unique photo opportunity also? This gay history is presumably not true and even if it were so, but really cares....
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